
Combat on the Armenia-Azerbaijan Border Produces Fatalities

September has gotten off to a rocky start in the Caucasus as both Armenia and Azerbaijan have accused the other of firing upon them using artillery, mortars, and even drones, described by them as “Attack UAVs”. The clashes have taken place near Sotk in Armenia, and Kelbadjar in Azerbaijan.

As is the case with every clash, they have accused each other of starting the fight, and so it remains presently unclear who fired the first shot.

Clashes began not long before 8AM local time, and continued for several hours, though Armenia’s MoD has stated the situation has stabilized.

As a result of the clashes, Armenia has stated that 3 Armenian soldiers have been killed with an additional two wounded. Armenia had released a statement claiming they had 4 killed, however later released an additional statement after doctor’s reported they had been able to resuscitate one of the soldiers and restore his heartbeat. The soldiers situation remains dire, however, given the severity of his wound.

Azerbaijan has claimed to have suffered 3 wounded, and has yet to make claim of any fatalities, if they suffered any.

On top of the attacks, both sides have accused each other of a military buildup at their respective borders. Armenia, in one of their MoD releases, showed a video displaying an Azeri buildup.

The Armenian video can be viewed with this link.

