
France to Deploy Military Attache in Armenia, Open Consulate in Syunik

French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna has stated that France will be deploying a Defence Military Attache to Armenia during a question period in France’s parliament. She spoke not only of France’s growing relationship with Armenia, but also specifically called out Russia.

“No country, not one, is next to Armenia as much as our country and you know it very well”.

“The defense attache will be present at the French Embassy in Yerevan. Then, we will soon open a consular office in Syunik province, near the border. So, I think, these are tangible proofs that France firmly stands by Armenia”.

“The fact that Russia has abandoned Armenia and is complicit in Azerbaijan’s military operations makes international diplomatic actions even more necessary. Next to France, I hope we will see Europe, it should take note of this reality, work with us to respect the territorial integrity of Armenia and preserve the right to live of Karabakh Armenians. This is what we do”.

She also said that France will be opening a consulate in Armenia’s Syunik province, as well as allocating further funds for humanitarian aid. At the beginning of the year, France allocated 5 million Euro’s to offer assistance to Armenia and Artsakh. Now, with the recent developments and massive refugee flow, France has allocated an additional 7 million Euro’s.
