
Republic of Artsakh Officially Dissolves

The Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), which has been de-facto independent since September 2nd 1991, has officially been dissolved in a decree this morning by Artsakh President Samvel Shahramanyan. The dissolving of the Republic is effective immediately, and the decree gives until January 1st 2024 for all state agencies within Artsakh to disband as well.

The dissolving of the Republic comes the same day that officially over 50% of Artsakh’s population has left for Armenia. Population transfers are expected to continue.

Part of the President’s decree states that both civilians and former military members should have free travel with their property and vehicles through the Lachin corridor. It is unclear if Azerbaijan will fully comply with this, having arrested people on  a number of occasions at their checkpoint on the Lachin Corridor.
