
United States National Security Council Calls on Serbia to Withdraw from Kosovo Border, NATO Approves Additional Deployments

United States National Security Council (UNSC) spokesperson John Kirby has said they have been monitoring “large Serbian military deployment along the border of Kosovo.”. This buildup has taken place over the last week and includes units of artillery, mechanized infantry, and tanks.

“We believe this is a very destabilizing development” and “We are calling on Serbia to withdraw those forces from the border and to contribute to lowering the temperature” said Kirby. The US is working with NATO to try and keep the peace in the region and avoid further escalation.

As of right now NATO has deployed additional troops to handle the potential for escalation. Kirby and other NATO leaders have called on both Kosovo and Serbia to return to peaceful dialogue but neither side has offered much of a solution.

The border has been a point of contention for quite some time. Most recently, a shootout occurred on a bridge near the village of Banjska in Northern Kosovo. The shooting started after the Serbians opened fire on police, leaving one officer dead and another injured.

Serbia has never recognized Kosovo as an independent country. The tensions seem to be at a boiling point. The White House has promised to remain vigilant on the situation.
