
Protestors Gather in Berlin – Chant “Free Assange!”

Thousands of protestors gathered in downtown Berlin Tuesday to express their dissatisfaction with a number of issues. Their march began just before 4p.m. local time, continued around the Brandenburg Gate, the Bundestag, and passed the Berlin Cathedral.

Atlas News was able to cover the protest in person as it took place on German Unity Day.

There was reportedly a heavy police presence escorting the protestors, who remained non-violent, waving various flags and playing drums and whistles. The protestors carried various banners: German flags, Russian flags, flags of the AfD (Alternative for Germany, a German right-wing populist political party), and banners with doves and peace symbols.

A protestor carrying a sign that reads: “The ‘Never again’ is the good person’s hypocrisy”

During speeches in front of the Berlin Cathedral, speakers were critical of corruption and took hardline stances against supporting Ukraine in the fight against Russia. The speeches ended with the crowd chanting “Free Julian Assange!” and railing against corruption.

Flags that read “America go home!”

The banner reads roughly, “Enough! Have you also had enough of these policies? Then march with us!”

This is not the first such protest, with several others drawing crowds of thousands to declare their opposition to supplying Ukraine with weapons and in support of the AfD.

The banner states, “The German people will not stand with corrupt politicians”

Photos taken by Atlas News correspondent Trent Barr during the protest.
