
Lions’ Den Releases Statement Calling for Open Protest to Cripple Roadways for IDF

The Lions’ Den has released a statement in which they are calling for Palestinians to take to the streets in open protest in order to try and shut down roadways for the IDF beginning at 11PM local time.

Their full statement may be read below:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

“Enter upon them through the gate, for when you have entered it, you will be dominant. And upon Allah rely, if you should be believers.” 

That is the Truth of Allah Almighty. 

Allahu Akbar, hasten for Jihad.

Allahu Akbar, hasten for confrontation.

Allahu Akbar, hasten, O men of Allah, O truthful ones.

O sons of Palestine, all of Palestine, it is Gaza of glory, manhood, dignity, and steadfastness. Gaza which did not accept humiliation and fights with the blood of its men, children, women, and elders while the Arab and Islamic nations kneel in shame and disgrace. Gaza, which offers actions, not mere words, the sanctuary of honor, dignity, and resistance.

The Lions’ Den groups invite you tonight, at exactly 11:00, to take to the streets, raising your voices in supplications to Allah for the victory of your men who are currently engaged in the battle of bravery and triumph, with the help of Allah. March forward with all weapons you may have, no matter how simple. Take to the streets, block the roads for the occupation army and its settlers. From you and us [emerge] the chants of “Allahu Akbar.” It is upon us to advance on all confrontation points until we infiltrate the heart of the surrounding settlements.

This is the battle of honor and survival. Either we live free or we don’t live at all.

Our message to the occupation:

O state of foolishness and empty arrogance, O paper and cardboard security system, Gaza has made you fall in a pit of worldly hell, and you will not leave it except for the hereafter’s hell. We will meet you face to face now, now and not tomorrow, in a way that you never anticipated, us and all the honorable resistance fighters. 

As Wadie [Al-Houh] said: The time for talk is over, and action begins. In the name of Allah, we start.

(The talking after 11:00 is only for takbeers and bullets)

Your brothers,

The Lions’ Den groups.

Takbeers/Takbirs mean magnifications of God.
