
U.S. Servicemembers Injured in Drone Strike, Iraq

As this publication covered, The Islamic Resistance in Iraq carried out a loitering munition attack on the Ain al-Asad Airbase which houses U.S. personnel. U.S. Central Command has confirmed that U.S. personnel were injured in this attack. The announcement reads below:

“In the last 24 hours, the U.S. military defended against three drones near U.S. and Coalition forces in Iraq. In western Iraq, U.S. forces engaged two drones, destroying one and damaging the second, resulting in minor injuries to Coalition forces. Separately in northern Iraq, U.S. forces engaged and destroyed a drone, resulting in no injuries or damage.  We are continuing to assess the impacts to operations.

In this moment of heightened alert, we are vigilantly monitoring the situation in Iraq and the region. We want to emphasize U.S. forces will defend U.S. and Coalition forces against any threat.”

Pro-Iraqi militia outlet Sabereen has published several messages threatening further attacks on U.S. personnel in Iraq. After CENTCOM’s acknowledgment, that outlet made this statement:

“We, the free people, how can we see our Arab brothers being killed and their blood being shed and we remain silent. Know that this is only the beginning, and what is coming is worse and more miserable for everyone who supports the temporary entity, and this is an unfaithful promise. Know that your rules are weaker to us than a spider’s web.”
