
Seven Islamist Terror Plotters Arrested Across Denmark, The Netherlands, and Germany

As this publication reported earlier today, multiple arrests were made accross Denmark against Islamic terror plotters. The Danish and Dutch governments have now confirmed that four have been arrested for planning attacks against Jewish institutions in Europe, three in Denmark and one in the Netherlands. An additional three were arrested in Germany, in both Rotterdam and Berlin.

Dutch national Nazih R was arrested by police in Rotterdam, while Lebanon-born Abdelhamid Al A and Ibrahim El-R, as well as Egyptian national Mohamed B, were arrested in Berlin. This brings a total of seven arrested today across three countries. Biographical information is not available for the Dutch and Danish suspects.

Reports have also emerged from Israeli intelligence sources all seven have been arrested for working on behalf of Hamas to target European Jews. The terrorist arrested in the Netherlands was at the request of the German government which uncovered a cross-border plot after its arrest of three plotters in the last three weeks.
