
Reported Xerox Breach by INC Ransomware Group

The INC Ransom ransomware group has published claims of a breach against the office supply giant, Xerox. INC Ransom published several internal documents from Xerox as proof, waiting for the company to contact them. There has been no official comment from Xerox as of this publication.

According to SentinelOne, which tracks these groups:

”Inc. ransomware is a ransomware extortion operation that emerged in July of 2023. Operators of Inc. ransomware position themselves as a service to their victims. Victims can then pay the ransom to ‘save their reputation’ though the threat actors indicate their intention to reveal their methods, making the victim’s environment ‘more secure’ as a result.  Inc. ransomware is a multi-extortion operation, stealing victim data and threatening to leak said data online should the victim fail to comply with their demands.”
