
US Calls South Africa’s ICJ Case Against Israel for Genocide “Meritless”

US State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller has referred to a court case filed by South Africa against Israel, which accuses them of genocide, as “meritless, counterproductive and completely without any basis in fact whatsoever”.

“As pertains the United States, we are not seeing any acts that constitute genocide” said the spokesman. The US has joined Israel in rejecting the court case, with South Africa said they filed in accordance with their “obligations to prevent genocide” as a “state member of the Genocide Convention”, and Israel stating the case makes South Africa complicit with Hamas’ actions.

The spokesman did note that “there are military operations going on that put Palestinian people at risk”, but stated they in no way constituted as genocide.

South Africa has been a staunch critic of Israel’s actions in Gaza since Israeli strikes began following the October 7th attack.

The court case may be read about in detail in an article released by this publication here.
