
Beirut Airport Screens Hacked, Display Anti-Hezbollah Messages

Messages Displayed in Beirut-Rafic Al Hariri International Airport (Credit: The Times of Israel)

Display screens at the Beirut-Rafic Al Hariri International Airport were hacked, displaying anti-Hezbollah messages and symbols of two groups, Jnoud al-Rab (Soldiers of God) and The One Who Speaks. The Soldiers of God is a hardline Christian organization, however, little is known about The One Who Speaks. 

The billboards displayed the message: “Hassan Nasrallah, you will no longer have supporters if you curse Lebanon with a war for which you will bear responsibility and consequences” according to Reuters. Hassan Nasrallah is the Secretary-General of Hezbollah. 

Jnoud al-Rab denied involvement in the incident and accounts related to The One Who Speaks posted photos of the screens. Jnoud al-Rab is regarded as a hostile organization by Hezbollah. 

This comes amidst heightened tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, the Lebanese-based terror group. 

This is developing. 
