
High Level U.S. and Chinese Officials Set to Meet in the Coming Days

On Friday, Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi announced that he and the U.S. National Secretary Advisor Jake Sullivan have had progressive contact with each other. According to Yi, the two had “candid, substantive and fruitful strategic communication,” which was aimed to get closer to face-to-face talks. The plan moving forward is for them to hold meetings in Bangkok from Jan. 26th to the 27th. 

The line of connection between the two high-level officials is recognized as a strong point in the modern Sino-American relationship. The fighting in Ukraine, the outbreak of conflict in the Red Sea, and tensions in the South China Sea are on the docket of discussion. If talks between the two nations continue, it could ease worries about growing hostilities and present a greater opportunity for another round of discussions to take place between both Presidents of the countries. 

Mr. Sullivan emphasized that the priority is to maintain enough competition without falling into conflict. Also, the U.S. advisor made clear that there needs to be peace along the Taiwan Strait to solidify the longevity of the two regions’ stability. 

These talks follow the previous Woodside Summit, which occurred in November between President Biden and President Xi. These efforts of communicating are a part of keeping their promise to each other of having open lines of connection.
