
Suspected ISIS Militants Capture Mozambican Island, Kill Two Soldiers

Local sources have reported that Islamic State-linked militants have captured the island of Quirimba, which sits off the coast of Mozambique in its Cabo Delgado province, and killed two soldiers of the Mozambican Defense and Security Forces.

Cabo Delgado has continued to face a jihadist insurgency for several years now, with the notable capture of the port city of Mocimboa da Praia in 2020 by militant forces. The city was liberated in 2021 by a joint Mozambican-Rwandan military operation, which was supported by South African private military contractors.

Mozambican media outlet O País cited a resident of the nearby island of Ibo as saying “Since they looted Quirimba, here in Ibo people have lived in fear, and the authorities have forced people to stay indoors for security reasons. No one can leave their house, under orders from the Defense and Security Forces, because they [the terrorists] threatened to come to Ibo after Quirimba.”

VOA Portugese also reported that local boating operations are charging exorbitant amounts to transport people off the island of Ibo.
