
Israel Claims 300+ Hezbollah Fighters Killed Since October

In a post to X, the IDF claimed that since hostilities began in October, over 4,500 Hezbollah targets have been struck in Lebanon and Syria, resulting in the deaths of over 300 fighters.

If this number is confirmed, it would surpass the number of Hezbollah fighters killed in the 2006 Israel-Lebanon War based on Human Rights Watch estimates of 250. As of March 10, Hezbollah has confirmed the deaths of at least 240 fighters through announcements.

Hezbollah began operations against Israel in support of Hamas just one day after the events of October 7. Rocket and drone attacks have been frequent as Hezbollah fighters and IDF forces continuously clashed along the border with Lebanon. Likewise, the IDF has carried out air strike campaigns targeting Hezbollah leadership.

Despite threats of war over IDF ground operations in Gaza, Hezbollah has yet to commit to a full-scale conflict with Israel. As clashes continue to intensify and reach a boiling point, there have been increased fears of a widening front between the two and an Israeli incursion over the border, which could lead to a greater reaction by Iran.
