
Houthis Target Commerical Vessel Southeast of Aden

At approximately 0645 EST, the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations authority announced that an incident with a commercial vessel was underway 50 NM Southeast of Aden, Yemen. By 0650 EST, UKMTO reported that the vessel was not damaged and that the crew was safe, but a missile impacted was noted stern of the vessel.

This comes only one day after the Houthis claimed responsibility for an attempted strike on a Liberian-flagged commercial vessel in the Red Sea. That strike too had failed and the vessel continued its transit with no damage or injuries. This also comes only eight days after the Houthi’s first fatal strike on the Liberian-owned, Barbados-flagged ship True Confidence ablaze approximately 50 nautical miles (93km) off the coast of Yemen’s port of Aden.
