
Kosovo Prime Minister Warns Serbian Troops “Meters From Border”

Kosovo Prime Minister Kurti took to social media to warn his citizens and the international community that Serbian troops and armor are “meters from the border in Banja and Zubin Protok.” He also warned that this “is not normal.” the posts reads below:

“Days ago, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic publicly threatened Kosovo, saying that “Serbia will wait for the best possible moment and I will use the opportunity to act.”Today during the day, specialized units of the Serbian army have been spotted just a few meters away from the border with Kosovo, near the village of Banje in Zubin Potok. Similar movements have also been recorded in the village of Oslare in Bujanovci, near the border with Kosovo.

We are aware that the Serbian Armed Forces are carrying out regular drills and they are using them as a pretext to cause deliberate provocations near the border with Kosovo.We are closely watching whether they will try to cross the border, although this approach of their military vehicles is not normal.”

This is developing.
