
4Chan Threat Prompts Closure at Norwegian Parliament

At approximately 0445 EST, local Norwegian media reported evacuations, road closures, and tactical police presence at the Norwegian Parliament building in Oslo. Eyewitnesses reported traffic disruptions near Stortinget station in Oslo. However, by 0500 EST, the Norwegian Parliament was reportedly still in session despite the lockdowns outside.

External lockdown locations of the Storinget.
Credit: Aftenpoften

Police spokesperson on scene told Norwegian media that:

“Yesterday evening, the Storting received an email with a threat. It was not judged to be genuine. In retrospect, it has since received a new threat. It came to the Oslo police at 10 o’clock today…”

While there is currently no information available on the first threat, Norwegian police have confirmed to Dagbladet that the second threat, was a post on 4Chan which warned:

“Don’t go to the Storting at 10 o’clock tomorrow.”

Credit: Aftenpoften

As of this publication Norwegian police have announced that barricades will be removed by 1230L at the Parliament building and that there is currently no threat to the public.
