
Taiwan VP-Elect Tailed by Chinese Military Diplomat in Prague

On April 6, Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-Khim was followed by a Chinese military diplomat during her visit to the Czech Republic’s capital of Prague, as reported by the Taipei Times. 

According to a report from Seznam Zpravy, a Czech media outlet, as the VP-Elect’s motorcade passed through an intersection, the traffic light turned red. Then a car drove through the red light and nearly crashed in an effort to remain close to the motorcade. 

The driver of the vehicle was then stopped by police and displayed a diplomatic passport of the People’s Republic of China. 

The suspect denied following the motorcade and said he was just en route to go eat at a Chinese restaurant. 

Czech police provided security for the VP-elect, at the request of Czech Senate President Miloš Vystr?il.

According to multiple sources reporting to Seznam Zpravy, the diplomat was from the military department at the Chinese embassy in Prague. 

The Czech government has committed to investigating the incident fully and has summoned the Chinese diplomat, Feng Piao. 
