
U.S. Army Deploys Mid-Range Missile System to the Philippines

On April 15, the U.S. Army Pacific announced that the U.S. Army had deployed a Mid-Range Capability (MRC) missile system to the Luzon region of the Philippines. 

According to the Congressional Reporting Service, the missile system has a maximum range of 1,725 miles (2,7776 Kilometers).

The deployment includes a missile battery, an operations center, four launchers, prime movers, and modified trailers. 

The missile system was deployed as part of Exercise Salaknib 24, a joint exercise between the Philippines and its allies. 

Exercise Salaknib 24 will include the armed forces of the Philippines, the U.S., Australia as well as France.  The total count of all participants is to be around 16,000 according to the U.S. Army Pacific. 

According to American Brigadier General Bernard Harrington, this deployment is a “significant step in our partnership with the Philippines”, as reported by the U.S. Army Pacific.

This comes as China has increased its aggressive actions in the South China Sea, and has also increased its military footprint in the region. 

