
UXO Situation After IDF Bomb Falls in Yated, Israel

Times of Israel correspondent Emannuel Fabian reported on his TG page at approximately 0430 EST this morning that an unexploded ordinance (UXO) was found near residential buildings in Yated, Israel. His report reads below:

“An unexploded Israeli Air Force bomb was found this morning in the Gaza border community of Yated, authorities say. The military says the munition will be safely removed by troops soon. The bomb apparently fell off of a fighter jet amid operations over Gaza. Images show that the bomb landed very close to homes.”

By 0930 EST, the IDF announced that it had begun an investigation into the UXO and claimed that it “fell” off an aircraft while committed to operations in the Gaza Strip. The X post reads below:

“The fallen is now being collected by IDF forces and will be evacuated later. The public is asked to stay away from the area until the end of the activities of the security forces.”

The IDF and the Times of Israel did not specify when this UXO fell, only that it was reported this morning.
