
Lava Flow Reaches US Communications Station, Grindavik, Iceland

At approximately 0700 EST this morning, new evacuation orders were issued for residents in Grindavik, Iceland as eruptions of the Sundhnukur crater flared up again. By 1200 EST, the lava flow from those eruptions reached the defense wall of the U.S. Naval Radio Transmitter Station.

Naval Radio Transmitter Facility Grindavik (NRTF Grindavik) is a transmission facility of the US Navy at Grindavik, Iceland, maintained by the N62 Division. It is active on shortwave and long wave under the callsign TFK on 37.5 kHz.

In November 2023, Grindavik and the areas around were placed under a state of emergency and evacuated due to the threat of a volcanic eruption
