
Ramming Attack Targets Jews, Brooklyn, NY

At approximately 1500 EST, initial reports emerged that a ramming attack had taken place at the intersection of Flatbush Avenue and Avenue L in Brooklyn, New York.

By 1600 EST, the NYPD and the FBI had reportedly detained one suspect and no injuries had been reported.

By 1605 EST, Yeshiva World News reported:

”A man driving a vehicle attempted to ram Yeshiva Bochurim and a Rebbi outside the Vien Yeshiva in Canarsie on Wednesday.

Sources tell YWN that Boro Park Shomrim received urgent calls reporting that a white sedan had twice attempted to hit Bochurim, though nobody was injured.”

The NYPD nor the FBI have made an official statement as of this publication. The below video shows one of the failed ramming attacks.

The suspect is pictured below:

Suspect in Brooklyn attempted ramming attack. Credit: Yeshiva World News

This is developing.
