
Signs Call for French Troops to Surrender Outside French Embassy in Moscow

Multiple signs have been erected outside the French Embassy in Moscow calling on French troops to surrender to the Russian government, most likely due to President Macron’s public statements that French troops would be prepared to enter Ukraine.

Radio frequencies have been published on the sign for French troops to contact Russian authorities to organize surrender actions.

Translated photo of one of the signs calling on French troops to surrender in Moscow. Credit: RIA Novosti.

As Russian state-owned media reported already, the sign depicts the French Commander of the SS Charlemagne Division, Edgar Joseph Alexandre Puaud who was killed by Soviet troops in 1945. Puaud was a French army officer during the German invasion of France in 1940. After the French surrendered, Puaud joined the German Army and eventually the SS, accepting the collaborationist argument that Bolshevism was a greater threat to Europe than fascism. After the collapse of the German Eastern Front and the Allied Invasion of Europe in 1944, Puaud was transferred to the SS and sent to Pomerania to fight the advancing Soviets. My March 17th, 1945, Puaud’s pocket of troops was wiped out by Soviet artillery and infantry attacks, he has been presumed dead.

