
India Admits it “Accidentally” Fired Missile at Pakistan

On Friday, India’s Ministry of Defense stated that it “accidentally” fired a missile at Pakistan on Wednesday, blaming “a technical malfunction” during “routine maintenance,” further calling the launch “deeply regrettable.” The ministry added that a “high-level Court of Enquiry” has been launched to investigate the incident. On Thursday, Pakistani military officials stated that a “high speed object” crashed near the city of Mian Channu over 120km into their territory the day prior, later summoning India’s charge d’affaires over the incident in which they warned “to be mindful of unpleasant consequences of such negligence and take effective measures to avoid the recurrence of such violations in the future.” There were no reports of casualties from either side. The incident became a cause for concern for many, as the two nuclear powers have waged several wars against each other in recent decades and that a future “mishaps” may spark another armed confrontation.

Unbiased & Unfiltered News Reporting for 12+ years. Covering Geo-Political conflicts, wartime events, and vital Breaking News from around the world. Editor-In-Chief of Atlas News.


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