
Rocket Fire targets Ain al-Asad Air Base, Iraq

This story is developing.

In a since deleted tweet, the International Resistance Faction claimed responsibility for the launching of six grad rockets towards the U.S. base. While there is no recognized group under that name, there are the Islamic Army in Iraq (IAI), Sharia Commission of Ansar al-Sunnah, Islamic Front for the Iraqi Resistance (JAMI), Hamas of Iraq and the Jaish al-Mujahideen who make up the Political Council for the Iraqi Resistance who vowed last year to expel U.S. forces from Iraq by 2022.

Rocket launch site in Albaghdadi, Iraq.

Local Iraqi media have reported that two rockets were intercepted by C-RAM defenses on the base. There is also reporting of U.S. drones and reconnaissance helicopters being routed towards the base.

Social media users have reported that six grad rockets have targeted the  Ain al-Asad Air Base in Anbar Governate, Iraq. No details yet on personnel or infrastructure damage. However, U.S. forces have closed base access in reaction to the attack. The base is currently controlled by U.S. forces which houses joint forces currently combatting ISIS.

Ayn al Asad is an Iraqi Armed Forces base located in Al Anbar Governorate (also called Anbar province) of western Iraq. It was originally known as Qadisiyah Airbase.

It was the second largest US military airbase in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Until January 2010, it was the home of the II Marine Expeditionary Force/Multi-National Force West. Other major tenants have included the 3rd ID’s 4th IBCT, 82nd Airborne Division Advise & Assist Brigade, 332nd Medical Brigade, 321st Sustainment Brigade, Vertical Onboard Delivery Detachment-1 (VOD-1), VAQ-141, Navy Customs Battalion Juliet, elements of the Iraqi Army’s 7th Division, and the United States Air Force (USAF). On January 8th, 2020, the air base was struck by Iranian ballistic missiles in response to the killing of Quds Leader Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad. PATRIOT missile batteries have been at the base since 2020.

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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