
China Conducts 6th Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense Test Since 2010

Footage emerged from Chinese state owned media documenting the 6th public test of Chinese Anti-Ballistic Missile defense capability through what looks like the HQ-19 system.

The Chinese Ministry of Defense made this announcement following release of the footage from an unnamed location:

”China has successfully implemented the anti-missile interception technology test in the middle section of the land-based platform.

On the evening of June 19, 2022, China conducted an anti-missile interception technology test in the middle section of the land-based foundation, which achieved the expected purpose. This test is defensive and does not target any country.”

While no location was provided, a Notice to Mariners was filed by the Chinese government warning aircraft that a ballistic missile launch would occur near the Taiyuan Space Launch Facility with the firing unit near Korla.

According to Armyrecognition: A vastly upgraded version of HQ-9 to counter ballistic missile and satellites (ASAT) on the lower end of Low Earth orbits, HQ-19 is the Chinese equivalent of the U.S. THAAD. HQ-19 is armed with a dual-purpose exosphere kinetic kill vehicle (kkv) warhead designed by a team led by Professor Zhou Jun, which can be used against ballistic missile warheads or satellites. Using its HQ-19 Anti-Ballistic Missile Interceptor, China carried out a 4th land-based mid-course missile interception test within its territory on 5 February 2018 and “achieved the desired test objective”. As usual, the government announced that the “test is defensive in nature and not targeted against any country”.


United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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