
Russian Diplomats Killed in Suicide Attack, Kabul Afghanistan

Update (1427 EST): ISIS had claimed responsibility for the attack.

At approximately 0200 EST, explosions ripped through the Darulaman area of Kabul, Afghanistan. Russian officials reported within the hour that the explosion damaged the exterior walls and fences surrounding their embassy. They also reported that two Diplomats were killed and 20 were injured.

20 minutes ago, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced that Second Secretary at the Embassay, Mikhail Shakh was among those killed in the blast.

The Taliban have threatened to arrest any journalist that speaks to foreign media concerning the blast as international outrage pours in on Twitter. Among those that have condemned the attack are former Afghan President Karzai, the Qatari Foreign Minister, the Taliban Foreign Minister, and others. This is the first time a foreign government establishment has been targeted in Afghanistan since the American withdrawal in August of 2021, reinforcing the deteriorating security situation in the country.

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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