Russian Forces Remove Body of Grigory Potemkin from Kherson, Anticipating Capture

Russian Forces Remove Body of Grigory Potemkin from Kherson, Anticipating Capture

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In a move to deny the seizure of the body of Grigory Potemkin by Ukrainian Forces, his remains have been removed by Russian forces from the St. Catherine's Cathedral in Kherson city, Ukraine. He has been interned there since at least the early 1800s. This announcement also comes as Kherson city administrators told press that 75,000 civilians have been moved to the West bank of the Dnieper River and that military forces continue to evacuate the city in the face of a Ukrainian counteroffensive. While the lines have been relatively static in the last 48 hours, the Russian administrators expect that Ukrainian forces are simply reconstituting before a massive push that they expect will break the two Russian defensive lines.

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