
Russian Ambulance Mi-2 Helicopter Crashed, Sokerkino, Kostroma, Russia

At approximately 1000 EST, reports began to emerge of a Russian Mi-2 (NATO: HOPLITE) helicopter had crashed with three crew members and two paramedics aboard in the central federal district of Kostroma.

Image courtesy of Russian State- Owned TASS.

As details came in throughout the day, it became clear that this helicopter was an air ambulance and was carrying an elderly patient with respiratory problems. The patient died in the crash while four of the five crew and medical staff were seriously injured.

The air ambulance agency made this statement by 1200 EST:

“In the Kostroma region, about 4 km from Sokerkino airport, a Mi-2 helicopter crashed while performing an ambulance flight. There were five people on board.”

Information about the crash was later confirmed by the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the governor of the region, Sergei Sitnikov, who went to the scene of the emergency. He told press: 

“An emergency landing was made a few kilometers from the Sokerkino airport. Operational services were pulled into place. According to preliminary data, there are victims. He added that two paramedics and two pilots were among the victims. The helicopter crew and one of the paramedics have already made contact. Rescuers reach the crash site.”

All crew members have been transported to a local hospital and as of this publication are alive.

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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