
Joint SDF-Coalition Operations Result in 170 ISIS Arrests in Syria

The Combined Special Operations Joint Task Force (SOJTF)- Levant has announced that a joint operation between Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Coalition forces, code named “Operation al-Jazeera Thunderbolt,” resulted in the capture of “more than 170 ISIS operatives, hundreds of weapons, and ISIS supply and logistical materials” in the Jazira region of Syria.

A statement released by the task force stated that approximately 1,000 Kurish fighters from the SDF, including members from their Asayish (Internal Security Forces), took part in operations that saw “150 raids and 40 village clearances” in the areas surrounding Tel Hams, Tel Barak, and Al-Hol.

Unbiased & Unfiltered News Reporting for 12+ years. Covering Geo-Political conflicts, wartime events, and vital Breaking News from around the world. Editor-In-Chief of Atlas News.


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