
European Investigators Find Strong Evidence of Ukrainian Involvement in NordStream Bombings

The German Federal Criminal Police are closing in on several Ukrainian citizens and a Polish company suspected of orchestrating the NordStream pipeline bombing.

According to Expressen and other European media, on September 16th, 2022, the sailboat Andromeda left Hohe Düne marina north of Rostock, Germany, with five men and one woman aboard. The group stayed at the nearby hotel and one person in the group has been confirmed as a Ukrainian solder using a fake Romanian passport.

The charter yacht was investigated and traces of explosives were discovered on one of the tables of the vessel. The vessel was charted by a Polish tourism company, Feeria Lwowa , which is fraudulently registered to a Warsaw address. No such company exists there.

According to Expressen:

“The company was registered in 2016 by two Ukrainian citizens and will deal with tourism. But the company has a non-existent presence on the internet and no visible advertising.

For several years, the company has had little or no turnover. But in 2020, in the middle of the pandemic, turnover suddenly increased by 1,200 percent to the equivalent of SEK 37 million. In the same year, the company also changed owners. The new owner is a 32-year-old woman from the city of Kerch on the occupied Crimean peninsula. In the Polish company documents, she has used her Ukrainian passport – but our review of Russian databases shows that the woman changed her name several years ago and now also has Russian citizenship. She works for a Russian authority in the city. On a Ukrainian war criminals website, she is listed as a traitor because of her collaboration with the occupying power.”

Their reporters also contacted a Ukrainian woman who reportedly operates the company. She lives in Kyiv, but refused to answer further questions

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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