
U.S. Claims Major ISIS Leader Killed in Syria Drone Strike, Despite Russian Interference

Moments ago, U.S. Central Command announced they had killed Usamah al-Muhaji, a major ISIS leader in Eastern Syria despite Russian interdiction the past three days. The announcement reads below:

“On July 7, U.S. Central Command conducted a strike in Syria that resulted in the death of Usamah al-Muhajir, an ISIS leader in eastern Syria.

“We have made it clear that we remain committed to the defeat of ISIS throughout the region,” said Gen. Michael “Erik” Kurilla, commander of U.S. Central Command. “ISIS remains a threat, not only to the region but well beyond.”

There are no indications that any civilians were killed in this strike, and the coalition is assessing reports of a civilian injury.

This will disrupt and degrade ISIS’s ability to plan and conduct terror attacks. However, CENTCOM’s operations against ISIS, alongside partner forces in Iraq and Syria, will continue in order to achieve the group’s enduring defeat.

The strike on Friday was conducted by the same MQ-9s that had, earlier in the day, been harassed by Russian aircraft in an encounter that had lasted almost two hours.”

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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