
Ukraine Receives Cluster Munitions From U.S

A Ukrainian spokesperson for the Tavria (southern) military district confirmed on Thursday that the country had received cluster munitions, which were included in a recently announced $800 million military aid package from the United States. The bombs, banned in over 100 countries but not Ukraine, Russia, or the U.S, are claimed by American military officials to have a low dud rate, although one higher is usually allowed for arms export but overridden in this time of war support. They claim the dud rate of the 155m DPICMs, dual-purpose improved conventional munitions, is 2.35%, which they contrasted with the claim that the dud rate of Russian cluster munitions sat at 30–40%. A 2022 report from the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, however, found that despite manufacturers claiming 2-5% failure rates, often in real-world situations it is around 10–30%.

Valery Shershen, speaking for the Defense Forces, said, “This (obtaining cluster munitions) will further demotivate the Russian occupying army and will change radically in favor of the Defense Forces of Ukraine… The commander noted that cluster munitions will be used exclusively in the legal field, only for the de-occupation of our territories. These munitions will not be used on the territory of Russia, we will not use cluster munitions in cities or densely populated areas,” he claimed while speaking to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, a U.S-state funded media organization. He also said that in areas where the munitions are used, they will be marked and demined accordingly. “Cluster ammunition will be used only in those areas where the Russian military is concentrated, to break through the enemy’s defense,”.

Human Rights Watch has reported that both Russian and Ukrainian forces have deployed cluster munitions in the past. Most notably on the ground, “Petal” anti-personnel mines have been especially widely used by both sides, including in civilian areas along the frontline.


“Ukrainian military analyst Oleskander Musiyenko said he assumed the weapons would be used in the south as that area’s commander had announced their arrival.

“We can say that it is in the south where it is planned to pierce and destroy the fortifications of the enemy’s defence line,” Musiyenko told Ukrainian television. “I think cluster munitions will expand the capabilities of our troops.”

Deputy Ukrainian Defence Minister Hanna Maliar said Ukrainian troops were making headway in the south, forcing enemy forces to redeploy. Near Bakhmut, Ukrainian troops made gains south of the city, but faced more difficulties to the north.

Russian accounts of the fighting said its forces had repelled 16 Ukrainian attacks in eastern Donetsk region alone.”

Patrick Colwell
Patrick Colwell
Pat is a traveling freelance journalist and photographer, and holds a bachelor's degree with a focus in conflict investigation. With years of expertise in OSINT, geolocation, and data analysis, he is also the founder of the Our Wars Today brand.


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