
Casualties Reported in Major Militant Attack on Military Base and Police Station, Cauca, Colombia

Update (0943 EST): At least three have been killed 12 have been injured.

At approximately 0849 EST, initial reports indicated a major explosion with casualties from a car bomb explosion in Timba, Cauca, Colombia. A school, workshops, hospital and police station sustained heavy damage. Simultaneously, a complex attack is also underway against a Colombia government military base in Suarez. Local Colombian media is claiming that a FARC dissident group initiated the attack. These claims come only one day after Peace Commissioner, Camilo Rueda visited the region to tout a ceasefire with FARC dissidents. As of this publication, the number of casualties in unknown.

The governor of Cauca, Elías Larrahondo, made this announcement:

“Until now we know that Jaime Martínez has an impact in that sector, but there has been no official determination by the Public Force of who committed the acts, nor a self-recognition by that group…For us The most important thing is that the civilian population is left outWe believe that these violent acts must stop. We still do not have an official report of deaths and injuries, the issue just happened. “We are consolidating that information,” said the governor of the department.”

This is developing.

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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