
Gunmen Attack Turkish General Directorate of Security With Automatic Weapons, Anti-Tank Rockets

At approximately 0236 EST, initial reports indicated an explosion in Ankara Turkey. Immediately following, automatic gunfire was heard and the area around the Turkish Parliament was locked down. For the first hour conflicting reporting indicated an attack at the Turkish Parliament or Interior Ministry. However, by 0318 EST, the Turkish Interior Ministry confirmed that two gunmen had attacked a security checkpoint outside the administrative complex. The below video shows the gunmen get out of a vehicle . The first gunmen approached the checkpoint firing his weapon while the second gunmen employs an anti-tank rocket which backfired and eliminates the other gunman.

Another angle of the attack can be viewed here:

The Turkish Prosecutors Office confirmed they had launched an investigation into the attack and that two police officers had sustained non-life threatening injuries while the two gunmen were killed.

The U.S. Embassy in Turkey warned citizens to avoid the area while the Kosovo Prime Minister expressed his condolences over the attack. Turkish President Erdogan condemned the attack and vowed to “eliminate all terrorist threats within and outside our borders.”

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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