
Massive Attack Launched on Israel from Gaza, THOUSANDS of Rockets Fired, Militants Fly into Israel with Paragliders, Many Fatalities

What’s Happening

At about 11:50 EST a massive volley of rockets began firing from Gaza into Israel, and it has so far (as of 1AM EST) not stopped. Thousands of rockets (Hamas claims 5,000 in 2 hours) have flown with a number of significant impacts. Footage is surfacing of flames engulfing several vehicles as two people have reportedly already been killed due to rocket fire. Many more are injured.

Not long after the flow of rockets began, gunfire too erupted within Israeli streets. Video footage and photos have surfaced of dozens of Palestinian militants roaming around various Israeli settlements nearby Gaza, both on foot and in vehicles. Footage shows a group of Palestinian militants in a truck driving around in virtually empty streets, while other footage shows more militants running down streets or taking positions on rooftops.

Israeli towns are not the only centre of gunfire, however, as many of the IDF’s bases around Gaza have been attacked by yet more militants as significant clashes take place.

Some very interesting footage has also surfaced, which shows a Palestinian militant infiltrating Israel from Gaza, using a motorized paraglider. Reportedly several militants were able to infiltrate Israel in this manner.

Given the chaos of the situation, there is no death toll yet. However from what is available, at least 2 people have been killed by rocket fire, and two photographs have surfaced showing at least 7 dead civilians, 4 in one photo and 3 in the other.

The death toll is likely to increase as Palestinian militants, at least for now, have free reign of the streets as the IDF struggles to respond. Reportedly they have entered a number of civilian houses.

A photo of the Palestinian militant truck that is roaming around.

An additional photograph of a dead IDF soldier has also surfaced. Reports state that more are likely killed, however Israel’s Red Star of David has reported that the chaos of the situation is making any sort of death tolls too difficult to assess. Palestinian groups are claiming 10 IDF soldiers were killed in a single attack.

Additionally, several IDF soldiers have reportedly been kidnapped by Palestinian militants.

A photo reportedly of Palestinian militants escorting a kidnapped IDF soldier.

The attack has been termed the “Al-Aqsa Flood” by Palestinian militants.


Hamas has claimed responsibility for the ongoing attacks and has released a lengthy statement detailing their reasonings behind the attack. Up until the statement was released almost 3 hours into the attack, it was unknown why violence suddenly erupted. Hamas’s statement may be read below:

Commander-in-Chief of the Al-Qassam Brigades, Muhammad Al-Deif: They attacked the station and desecrated Al-Aqsa, and we had previously warned them.

Guest: The enemy desecrated Al-Aqsa and dared to desecrate the Prophet’s Shrine.

Guest: Hundreds of martyrs and wounded died this year due to the crimes of the occupation

Guest: Our calls for a humanitarian exchange deal were rejected, and every day in the West Bank violations continue.

Guest: We announce the start of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.

Guest: More than 5,000 thousand missiles were launched.

Guest: Starting today, security coordination will end.

Guest: Today the people are regaining their revolution, correcting their path, and returning to the March of Return.

Guest: O our people in Jerusalem, expel the occupiers and demolish the walls.

Guest: O our people in the interior, the Negev, the Galilee, and the Triangle, ignite the earth in flames under the feet of the occupiers.

Guest: O our brothers in the Islamic resistance in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen, this is the day when your resistance merges with the resistance of your people in Palestine.

Guest: It is time for the Arab resistance to unite.

Guest: We call for the movement towards Palestine.

Guest: The time for betting has ended and the occupation must be swept away.

Guest: O our people in all Arab and Islamic countries, start marching now and not tomorrow and storm the borders and dams.

Where is the IDF..?

As Palestinian militants score a number of successes and footage/photos surface of militants roaming around streets unopposed, one particular question is being asked. Where is the IDF..? The answer is thus far unclear as the IDF appears to be struggling to respond. One photo has surfaced showing an IDF tank that has been burned. Seemingly, the IDF had no warning of any impending attack by Israeli intelligence.

A photo of the burnt Israeli tank.

The IDF on twitter has vowed response, and has warned civilians to stay home.

The West Bank

Action from Gaza and the West Bank oftentimes goes hand-in-hand. While thus far the West Bank has been silent, the Lions’ Den has at 1:35AM EST released a statement declaring a general mobilization. Their full statement may be read below:

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
Kill them, may God punish them at your hands and disgrace them, and grant you victory over them, and heal the hearts of a believing people.
Great truth of God
Urgent and brief statement
How do you know what Gaza is?
O sons of our heroic people
It is time for all Palestinians to rise like a phoenix from under the rubble
We declare a state of general mobilization and the start of an immediate attack from every location on the occupation forces and their settlers.
What is urgently needed now:
1. Our lone wolves must act immediately and urgently, now and before anything else
2. All fighters must close ranks and go out to occupy with ambushes of bullets and blessed explosive devices
3. All free and honorable citizens must go out in huge and massive marches and raise the voice of God is Great in all fields.
4. All owners of shops and homes located near occupation checkpoints and settlements must withdraw their recording devices and turn off their cameras immediately.
5. For everyone who owns a weapon and does not use it to defend religion and the country, it is time for you to emerge as a man and perform your duty of honor and manhood.
We told you before that they will pass like a thread from the sun
Oh, the pulse of our hearts, our loved ones, and the sparkle of our eyes, come out to the checkpoints and pass like the wind through the heart of the settlements.
This time is a time of pride, dignity, and victory, with God’s help
Haven’t your faces become worse, O sons of Judaism?
May your Sabbath and Eid be bad, descendants of monkeys and pigs
Oh God, protect our men in Gaza, the West Bank, and in every location
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
The victory comes only from God
Your brothers, the Lions’ Den groups


Sébastien Gray
Sébastien Gray
Sébastien is a published journalist and historicist with over six years of experience in freelance journalism and research. His primary expertise is in African conflict and politics, with additional specialization in Israeli/Palestinian and Armenia/Azerbaijan conflicts. Sébastien serves as the deputy desk chief for Africa.


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