
Gaza Completely Blockaded, Israeli Airstrikes Pound Hamas Strongholds

At approximately 0530 EST, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant announced that the Gaza Strip was now “completely blockaded.” He also said that no food, electricity, or water was to be allowed in after Israeli Defense Forces recaptured the border areas lost on October 6th.

This order was followed by several announcements from the IDF for Palestinian civilians and foreigners to evacuate areas in Gaza. These included Rimal, in which the residents were ordered to move to areas South of Gaza City, and the large building used by Sky News Arabia. That outlet has since evacuated its personnel.

Israeli airstrikes then poured in against Rafah, Shejaiya, and al-Tarnas. The strikes in al-Tarnas were especially effective. The IDF claimed to have killed several high ranking Hamas members. However, an outlet for the terrorist group claimed that up to four Israeli prisoners were also killed in the IDF strikes.

As of this publication, the IDF is continuously pounding Gaza City with airstrikes while Hamas and Hezbollah continue to launch rockets into Israel and initiate firefights in the border areas, especially Jenin. Most of the international reactions have been pro-Israel. Germany and Australia suspended aid to the Palestinian Authority this morning. The Russian Federation Foreign Ministry announced that it was ready to evacuate civilians from Israel and Palestine while also attempting to thread the needle. Foreign Minister Lavrov told press that Russia desires both parties (Palestine and Israel) to reach a desirable end state.

The IDF has not announced a ground incursion into Gaza.



United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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