
Militants Storm MINUSMA Base After UN Withdrawal, Detonate IEDs Targeting Convoy

As this publication reported on October 22nd, the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) completed an” accelerated withdrawal” from its most Northern base in Tessalit. Since that report the situation in Northern Mail has degraded significantly.

By 0212 EST on October 23rd, 2023, a militant group commenced an assault on the Tesalit base, only abandoned by MINUSMA 12 hours ago. The Malian Armed Forces responded to the assault and reportedly killed the entire group which was attempting to loot the base. The Mali Armed Forces Operation took several hours and they did not report success until 1314 EST on October 24th, 2023.

However, MISUMA also announced that several of its troops were injured when the final convoy departing Aguelhok, the neighboring town that the base was attached to, was struck by at least two IEDs on the road South. Their announcement reads below:

“Our peacekeepers left the Aguelhok camp today, as part of our withdrawal from Mali and within the range provided for in the plan communicated to the Malian government. The situation there had become very dangerous for their safety, with reports of real threats against them.

Some of the peacekeepers located in Aguelhok were to be transported by air to Kidal for their subsequent repatriation to Chad. In the absence of authorization for the flights planned by MINUSMA, the latter will join the land convoy coming from Tessalit in perilous conditions, with a view to their repatriation.

During their movements, the two convoys suffered attacks with improvised explosive devices which caused injuries and material damage.”

As of this publication, it is not clear which group is responsible for the attack.

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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