
Chinese Foreign Ministry Calls for Ceasefire, Ethnic Alliance Captures Dozens of Settlements, Burma

At approximately 2118 EST on October 27th, 2023, several Burmese (Myanmar) military stations and police stations were hit across the Northern Shan state. The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army Kokang forces claimed responsibility for the attacks by 2222 EST and urged other militant groups to join the offensive after a largely successful night. At least 10 Junta soldiers were killed alone in the seizure of a camp in Chinshwehaw. At least three stations were seized in Lashio, Kutkai, Muse, and Namshan.

By 2255 EST, the Myanmar Three Brotherhood Alliance announced it had launched a simultaneous campaign, dubbed Operation 1027, to suppress Junta activity and illegal gambling/smuggling along the Chinese border.

As Junta reinforcements began flowing into Chinshwehaw, the Karen National Liberation Army announced it had launched a supporting attack against Junta forces in Kawkareik. Their forces has seized control of the city hall and other key infrastructure including intelligence service buildings and the post office.

By 2330 EST, junta forces had begun airstrikes in Lashio, Namhkan, and surrounding areas in the Shan state. Multiple Mi-35P gunships were spotted flying into the Northern Shan state.

By 2330 EST, the Myanmar People’s Defense Force Mandalay announced they would begin operations against the Junta and join Operation 1027. By this time, the Chinese Foreign Ministry took notice and issued several calls for a ceasefire :

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on relevant parties to cease fire and end the war as soon as possible to ensure the security and stability of the China-Myanmar border] On October 27, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning hosted a regular press conference. A reporter asked: According to reports, military conflicts broke out between the Myanmar military and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) recently. What is China’s comment on this? Mao Ning said that China pays close attention to the relevant conflicts, calls on relevant parties to cease fire and end the war as soon as possible, and insists on peaceful resolution through dialogue and consultation.”

However, those calls were largely ignored and more ethnic groups joined the operation, including the Bamar People’s Liberation Army. However, the most significant development was a statement from the National Unity Government (NUG), the exiled civilian government cast out during the 2021 coup which installed the current junta. The NUG announced their support for Operation 1027 and that it would join forces with the Three Brotherhood Alliance:

As of this publication, the Ta’-ang National Liberation Army also joined the operation and seized an additional three police stations in Namkham. Junta  battalion commander Thet Naung Htoo was reportedly killed during these assaults.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry then issued this additional statement:

“Embassies Reminds Chinese Citizens in Myanmar to Strengthen Precautions#] Starting in the early morning of October 27, armed conflicts broke out in many places in northern Myanmar, and the security risks for local Chinese citizens and companies increased. The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar reminds Chinese citizens, companies and institutions in Myanmar to pay close attention to the development of the situation in northern Myanmar, enhance risk awareness, strengthen security precautions, and avoid going to conflict areas. Chinese citizens in conflict areas must effectively avoid security risks. In case of emergency, please.”

The fighting is still ongoing.

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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