
US Minuteman III ICBM Test Launch Terminated Following “Anomaly,” Cause Unknown

The United States Air Force Global Strike Command has announced that the test launch of an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile from Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, was terminated over the Pacific Ocean last night following an unspecified “anomaly.”

The statement noted that “An anomaly is any unexpected event during the test. Since anomalies may arise from many factors relating to the operational platform itself, or the test equipment, careful analysis is needed to identify the cause.”

The Global Strike Command also stated that an investigation is underway to determine the cause of the failure, adding that “The test launch program helps the command evaluate the Minuteman III and gather data to keep the system effective. The command learns lessons from every test launch… to identify and correct any issues with the weapon system to ensure the Minuteman III’s continued reliability and accuracy.”

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