
French Frigate Shoots Down Two Houthi Drones, Red Sea

At approximately 1900 EST, the French government announced that Aquitaine-class Frigate Languedoc shot down two drones 110km from Al-Hudaydah, Yemen in the Red Sea.

Languedoc (D653) is an Aquitaine-class frigateof the French Navy. The Aquitaine class were developed from the FREMM multipurpose frigate program. It carries 16 vertical launch cells (SYLVER A43 VLS )for Aster 15 air defense missiles and 16 vertical launch cells (SYLVER A70 VLS) for MdCN cruise missiles. She was commissioned in 2017.

In mid 2023, the frigate was operating in the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf, accompanying the nuclear attack submarine Suffren for part of that deployment.

On 26 November 2023, Languedoc completed a transit of the Strait of Hormuz to enter the waters of the Persian Gulf as the Strike Group continues to support USCENTCOM missions.

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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