
Jordan Air Drops 7th Aid Package to Gaza

The Jordanian Ministry of Defense has announced it carried out the 7th air drop operation for humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza. The air drop targeted 800 IDPs in the Church of St. Porphyrius, located in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in the northern Gaza Strip, one of the oldest churches in the world. Jordan works with Israel and the United States to establish humanitarian aid corridors for their planes. The announcement reads below:

“The seventh Jordanian airdrop to support families in Gaza included humanitarian aid and food supplies for those trapped inside the church. The besieged people suffer from a scarcity of food and a severe shortage of basic life necessities The airdrop is a message of solidarity with our Christian brothers in the Gaza Strip in light of the raging Israeli war that has cast a shadow on the Christmas atmosphere.

Under royal directives, the Jordanian Armed Forces – the Arab Army carried out this Sunday evening a relief airdrop to help those besieged inside the Church of St. Porphyrius, located in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in the northern Gaza Strip, on Christmas Eve.

An official military source stated that a Royal Air Force plane landed humanitarian aid and food supplies to relieve those trapped inside the church, which is one of the oldest churches in the world.

The number of those besieged in the church is estimated at about 800 Gazan citizens, Christian nationals inside the Gaza Strip, and they suffer from food scarcity and a severe shortage of basic life necessities amid difficult humanitarian conditions.

The source added that aid boxes were dropped using umbrellas on the church, which is considered a safe haven for Christians and their children, while it continues to be besieged by the Israeli occupation forces.

This seventh Jordanian airdrop comes as a message of solidarity with our Christian brothers in the Gaza Strip in light of the raging Israeli war, which has cast a shadow over the Christmas atmosphere.

During his meeting with Jerusalemite and Jordanian religious leaders at Al-Husseiniya Palace last Wednesday, His Majesty the King confirmed that Jordan is seeking in every way to deliver aid to those who have taken refuge in the church.

The source confirmed that Jordan, in implementation of the royal directives, will continue to support the brothers in Gaza, and will stand by the Palestinian people and support their steadfastness on their land in various ways and means, in a way that alleviates their burden as a result of the difficult humanitarian conditions they are exposed to.”

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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