
Iran Executes Four People Suspected of Sabotage and Mossad Affiliation

According to the Iranian Chief Justice of West Azarbaijan, four of ten people arrested on November 2nd, 2023 have been executed for espionage, sabotage, and working for the Israeli Mossad.

The executed have been identified as Wafa Henare, Aram Omari, Rahman Parhazo and Mrs. Nasim Namazi. These four people were suspected of accepting payment from Mossad Intelligence Officers. They were suspected of setting fire to the cars and homes of Iranian security officials, collecting intelligence by means of photographs, and planning to assassinate and kidnap other security officials. These agents were suspected of operating throughout West Azarbaijan, Tehran and Hormozgan.

The court alleges that Wafa Hanareh was the primary agent recruited by Mossad and was responsible for forming the cell and distributing funds to the members. She reportedly confessed.

After only about two months in custody, the four executed persons attempted to appeal, but their cases were not heard by higher courts. The other six persons were sentenced to 10 years in prison.

On December 4th, 2022, the Iranian government executed four citizens for allegedly working for Mossad. As of this publication there has been no comment from the Israeli government.

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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