
Russian Federation Requesting UN Security Council Action After Belgorod Shelling

Russian Federation Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zakharova has told press that her country will be seeking United Nations Security Council action against Ukraine and the United Kingdom for last night’s shelling of Belgorod, Russia.

The Ukrainian strike which included one-way attack UAVs, long-range artillery, and reportedly UK-supplied cruise missiles killed 10 and injured 45 civilians, per the Russian Interior Ministry.

This publication already covered the Ukrainian air attack against the microelectronics plant in Bryansk. However, a larger air attack was carried out against energy infrastructure in Belgorod.

Belgorod Governor Gladkov claimed that Ukrainian munitions struck Popova Street in the center of the city. However, Ukrainian state-owned media is claiming that “unprofessional” Russian air defense systems fell on the city after attempting to intercept strikes against Gazprom and military sites. Gazprom infrastructure was damaged, but so was residential housing and a shopping mall.

Russian Presidential Spokesperson Peskov announced that President Putin ordered a special team from the Health Ministry to fly to Belgorod and provide assistance. The Russian Defense Ministry has stated that “this crime will not go unpunished”, ironically after launching the single largest air attack on Ukraine only two days ago. Western media has reported that this Ukrainian strike was in response to that country wide attack which killed at least 30 and injured more than 150.

Shelling inside the Russian Federation has occurred periodically in Belgorod Oblast as well as Ukrainian incursions with dozens of paramilitary troops. However, this is the largest single death toll of Russian civilians, per the Russian governments numbers. Ukrainian offensive actions inside Russia’s borders is a precarious tight-rope for the embattled Ukrainian President to walk as its fuels Russian narratives and detracts from his own. This is especially true as American conservatives sound a war-weary horn in the halls of Congress as Ukraine aid is being jettisoned for enhanced U.S. border funding and other hotbed domestic issues.

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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