
Group Attempts to Break Into South Africa’s Independent Electoral Commission Warehouse

Bianca Bridger
Bianca Bridger
Bianca Bridger is a Political Science Graduate from the University of Otago, New Zealand. Currently working as an Editor for The ModernInsurgent and writing for Atlas News, her interests include conflict politics, history, yoga and meditation.

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At least 15 people tried to break into the Independent Electoral Commission’s (IEC) warehouse in Booysens, Johannesburg, on Tuesday evening, demanding access to the Commission’s ballot boxes.

Local press Scrolla Africa claims a close source divulged that the members belonged to Jacob Zuma’s uMkhonto WeSizwe party (MKP), which has continuously called for a re-election. Zuma claims the IEC ‘stole’ 9 million votes from the MKP and ‘gave’ them to other parties such as the African National Congress (ANC) and the Democratic Alliance (DA).

However, the South African Police Service (SAPS) has stated that the identities of the 15 people, as well as their political party affiliation, are still unconfirmed.

What You Need to Know:

According to National Police Spokesperson Athlenda Mathe, “Police are investigating a case of intimidation after a group of 15 people presented themselves at the IEC warehouse in Booysens yesterday. They demanded entry into the warehouses and access to the ballot papers, claiming they wanted to ensure all ballot papers had been counted. As the police, we have registered a case of intimidation. We are studying all footage and evidence at our disposal to apprehend those behind this incident of intimidation.”

So, What Now?

Despite the identities of those behind the incident being unknown to police, it is likely that members of the MKP were involved, as reported by the aforementioned source close to local press.

The incident likely arose as a result of the rhetoric currently promoted by MKP President Zuma.

Last Friday, the MKP’s 58 MPs boycotted the first sitting of Parliament, alleging that the election had been rigged by the IEC. The party has also announced its intention to take the matter to the International Courts. Furthermore, on Sunday, former President Zuma stated his intent to “deliver a detailed battle plan for the few months or years until we finally get back our country from the enemies of progress and economic freedom.”

He continued, “We can no longer afford to be divided when the enemy is uniting against the people.”

Zuma and his MPs have also stated their intention to boycott the inauguration of the ANC’s Cyril Ramaphosa today, stating, “The uMkhonto WeSizwe Party, the official opposition of South Africa, will not participate in the farcical inauguration of Cyril Ramaphosa as the puppet DA-sponsored President tomorrow. We refuse to join in the spitting on the graves of those who died for this freedom by attending the symbolic wedding ceremony of a house negro called Ramaphosa, with the slave master, Helen Zille.”

The comments came as the ANC, DA, and a series of smaller parties agreed to form a Government of National Unity, pushing the MKP as well as Julius Malema’s Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) to the political sidelines.

In KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), Zuma’s home province, the MKP received 45% of the vote, falling short by just one seat to govern the province alone. The ANC, DA, Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), and National Freedom Party (NFP) formed a coalition as a result, with the IFP’s Thami Ntuli becoming KZN’s new Premier.
