
Jenin Death Toll Rises as Thousands Evacuated

The Palestinian death toll for the Jenin raid has once again risen with now at least 11 people killed in the raid. The PIJ has claimed 4 of those killed as their fighters, and Hamas has claimed 1, while the others remain unaccounted for, though Israel has claimed none of those killed are civilians. Approximately 40 minutes ago (as of 1:20EST) Israeli forces launched an assault on two different governmental hospitals operating in Jenin. According to Palestinian sources, three people within hospitals have been injured by live-fire. Reportedly, the IDF is also using tear gas inside the hospitals. Over 100 people have been injured in the whole operation.

An Israeli Armoured Vehicle pictured outside of one of the two hospitals being assaulted.

Yesterday mass evacuations began taking place, with Israeli authorities stating that no orders to evacuate were given. According to some witnesses, evacuation orders rang out from Mosque loudspeakers. Some Palestinian sources however contest this, saying they were forcibly removed from the camp by Israeli authorities. In total, approximately 3,000 people have been displaced from the camp. It is not known the exact population, though estimates range from the 13-22k. This means approximately 13.6%-23% of the camps population has been displace. Jenin city itself has almost 40,000 people within it.

The IDF has recorded injuries, though it is thus far unclear exactly how many as conflicting reports begin to emerge. There are confirmed injuries, however Palestinian and Palestinian-Aligned sources have reported fatalities, though no photo/video evidence was provided for this claim.

An injured Israeli soldier is evacuated on Monday, July 3rd, amid combat operations in Jenin (photo from Ronen Zvulun/Reuters).

Both electricity and water has been cut from the camp due to the extensive infrastructure damage, primarily from the IDF digging up a significant number of streets, which they way was to remove the threat from potential bombs placed in the streets. Donations of water, food, and other necessities have began to pour in from Nablus, another West Bank city that also experiences Israeli raids frequently.

Bags of donations for Jenin prepared by people from Nablus.

Israeli authorities have reported to have arrested over 100 people, found a number of weapons caches, bomb making factories, money caches, command centres, and a number of other sites the IDF refers to as “terrorist infrastructure”. The operation has been ongoing for nearly 2 days, with the IDF stating is is largely achieving its goals.

An attack was carried out in Tel Aviv by a Palestinian man which injured at least 7 Israeli’s, and was claimed by Hamas to be in response to the Israeli raid on Jenin. A full article may be read here:


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that this will not be the last operation to be carried out in Jenin.

Both the Palestinian Red Crescent as well as the World Health Organization have stated that ambulances and first responders are being stopped from Israeli authorities from reaching wounded within the camp. Israel has denied this, stating that ambulances are being allowed to carry out operations and that the IDF is coordinating with them.

Sébastien Gray
Sébastien Gray
Sébastien is a published journalist and historicist with over six years of experience in freelance journalism and research. His primary expertise is in African conflict and politics, with additional specialization in Israeli/Palestinian and Armenia/Azerbaijan conflicts. Sébastien serves as the deputy desk chief for Africa.


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