
What We Know: Yeonpyeong Island

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What to Know:

On Friday, North Korea launched 200 artillery shells off of its west coast towards the South Korean Island of Yeonpyeong, which sits just 12 km from the border. According to the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff, the artillery impacted in the Yellow Sea near the Northern Limit Line (NLL), which is the maritime demarcation line between the two countries.

According to the South Korean newspaper JoongAng, evacuation orders were given to residents of the island due to live fire exercises that would be carried out by the South Korean Marine Corps in response to the shelling, which is a precautionary measure in case North Korea retaliates by striking Yeonpyeong.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff later released a statement saying that the shelling “threatens peace on the Korean Peninsula and increases tensions by resuming artillery fire within the West Sea buffer zone,” adding that they will take “appropriate measures in response to North Korea’s provocations,” which is likely in reference to live fire exercises.


Yeonpyeong was previously targeted by North Korean artillery in 2010, killing two marines, two civilians, and wounding 18 others. The attack was in retaliation to live fire exercises South Korea conducted near the NLL, which North Korea considered an attack against its territorial waters. South Korea responded with counter battery fire, resulting in two dozen North Korean casualties.


There was initial confusion as Yonhap originally reported that evacuations were underway due to “a situation related to the provocation of North Korea,” where it further made it seem like the island itself was being struck.
