
Houthi Leader Releases Statement Warning Against US/UK Strikes or Face Response

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What to Know:

Leader of the Houthis, Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, has released a statement warning that any American strikes against Yemen will “never remain unanswered” and that a response “will not only be at the level of the operation that was recently carried out with more than 24 drones and several missiles, but it will be greater than that.”

The Full Statement:

“We will not hesitate, God willing, to do everything we can and we will confront the American aggression.

– Any American aggression will never remain unanswered.

The response to any American attack will not only be at the level of the operation that was recently carried out with more than 24 drones and several missiles, but it will be greater than that.

Whoever wants to get involved and attack our dear people and target the naval forces is actually risking his navigation and commercial ships.

Whoever wants to attack our people is risking, at the military level, entering into a confrontation for which he will pay the price.

– Our dear people do not evade the field of confrontation and with any enemy, regardless of their capabilities and capabilities.

We advise all Asian and European countries not to involve America, but to watch it and let Britain get involved with it.

– Praise be to God Almighty, our lives are long and our people have the ability to withstand major confrontations and long confrontations.

The loser is the one who involves himself in the attack on our people in order to serve Israel and to serve the continuation of Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people.

– I advise all Arab and Islamic countries not to partner with the Americans in their efforts to protect Israeli ships.”
