
Tag results for: Report

Ingush Liberation Army Releases Video Detailing Struggle Against Russian Federal State

The Ingush Liberation Army recently published a video detailing their ongoing struggle against the Russian federal state, and outlining the future general direction of their campaign. Ingushetia and the Ingush Liberation Army Ingushetia, a small republic in the North Caucasus region of Russia, is often overshadowed by its larger neighbor, Chechnya, yet it shares a similarly tumultuous history. Since the collapse...

EU to Impose Sanctions on Georgia in Reaction to Controversial “Foreign Agent” Law

The European Union announced plans to downgrade political contacts with Georgia and is considering freezing financial aid to the Tbilisi government. This decision comes after the Georgian parliament passed a controversial "foreign agent" law despite significant protests and international warnings. Response from the EU EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell stated that the new Georgian law, which mandates NGOs and media...

Alleged Murderers of Colombian Councilman Arrested

The alleged killers of a Colombian councilor for Jamundi, Valle del Cauca were captured by Colombian National Police on Thursday. The councilman, John Fredy Gil Franco, was killed in late May in a drive-by shooting by men on a motorcycle. Gil was transferred to a hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival. Operation Themis Gil's killers were captured in a new...

Houthis Unveil New “Hatem-2” Ballistic Missile

The Houthis have released footage unveiling their new "Hatem-2" ballistic missile, which they say was used to target the Liberian-flagged container vessel MSC Sarah V in the Arabian Sea on June 25. Despite Houthi claims, the Joint Maritime Information Center (JMIC) reported that the vessel was not hit and carried on with its voyage. Houthi Statements on the Attack A day after...

What to Expect in the First US Presidential Debate

The earliest presidential debate in US history is about to kick off tomorrow, June 26, at 9:00 p.m. Eastern time, or 8:00 p.m. Central time on CNN and its affiliate website. About six out of 10 American adults say they are "extremely" or "very" likely to watch the debate live or in clips, or consume information about the debate...


Defendants in Panama Papers Case Acquitted

Defendants in the controversial "Panama Papers Case," a scandal that revealed how a number of well-off businesspeople, celebrities, and politicians managed to avoid taxes through the use of shell companies and offshore bank accounts,...

Armenia Considering Referendum on EU Membership

According to Armenia's Parliament Speaker, Alen Simonian, Armenia is seeking to soon hold a national referendum on if the nation should seek EU membership. Simonian's words come just a few days after Russian Deputy Prime Minister...

21 Participants in Bolivian Coup Arrested

Four participants in a failed coup in Bolivia on Wednesday were arrested by authorities on Friday, bringing the total number of detainees up to 21, according to Minister Eduardo del Castillo. The minister stated...