
Tag results for: Report

South Korea, Japan, and the United States to Hold Vice Ministerial Meetings

The United States, South Korea, and Japan will have a vice foreign ministerial meeting later this week in Virginia, as confirmed by the State Department on Monday, May 27th, to discuss critical fields of technology, economic cooperation and security, and threats from North Korea. Deputy Director of State Kurt Campbell will meet with his foreign counterparts, Vice Foreign of Japan...

Venezuela Prevents EU Delegation From Observing Elections

Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) rescinded the European Union's invitation to oversee the nation's upcoming presidential elections on Wednesday, in a move critics say puts the election's legitimacy at risk. Another Controversy Officials stated that the move was due to the EU's continued sanctions against Venezuela, sanctions which affect 50 Venezuelans who have been accused of acts of repression or efforts...

Israel Drafts Bill to Declare the UNRWA as a Terror Organization

The Israeli Knesset voted today, May 29th, for the preliminary reading of a draft bill which will declare the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, or the UNRWA, as a terror organization. The bill is the latest in a series of actions taken by Israel against the UNRWA, the primary deliverer of aid...

Five Members of FARC-EMC Killed by Government Forces in Cauca

Five members of a splinter faction of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia known as the Estado Mayor Central (FARC-EMC) were reportedly killed by government forces in Colombia's south-western Cauca Department, a department known for the FARC-EMC's heavy presence. A Victory Amid a War This development comes a week after the FARC-EMC launched a large-scale attack on municipalities across the department last week,...

German Military Officer Sentenced in Espionage Case

A German officer by the name of Thomas H. was convicted of espionage and violating official secrets after supplying military intelligence to the Russian Federation, and was sentenced to three and a half years in prison on Monday, May 27th. A Convicted Spy Prosecutors alleged that the officer, identified as a captain, had provided intelligence to Russia of his own free...


Defendants in Panama Papers Case Acquitted

Defendants in the controversial "Panama Papers Case," a scandal that revealed how a number of well-off businesspeople, celebrities, and politicians managed to avoid taxes through the use of shell companies and offshore bank accounts,...

Armenia Considering Referendum on EU Membership

According to Armenia's Parliament Speaker, Alen Simonian, Armenia is seeking to soon hold a national referendum on if the nation should seek EU membership. Simonian's words come just a few days after Russian Deputy Prime Minister...

21 Participants in Bolivian Coup Arrested

Four participants in a failed coup in Bolivia on Wednesday were arrested by authorities on Friday, bringing the total number of detainees up to 21, according to Minister Eduardo del Castillo. The minister stated...